Masculinities on Scene: an analysis of “Rainha Diaba” and “Madame Satã”




Gender, Masculinities, Representation, Gay characters, Brazilian cinema


Cinema is an important object of analysis in Social Sciences, reflecting culture, identities and social roles. Uncovering gender relations and male representations, his films attribute sexual roles to men and manage the power relations around them. Based on this perception, it emerges an interest in investigating masculinities in gay characters in Brazilian films, more precisely in “Rainha Diaba” (1974) and “Madame Satã” (2002), where the protagonists are inserted in a context of subalternity, marginality, deviation and social rupture. Thus, this research aims to understand how the protagonists of those movies are represented regarding gender territories and other social issues, such as race, ethnicity and class. For this purpose, the “analysis of moving images” protocol by the researcher Diana Rose will be applied. As a result, it is expected to contribute to studies related to the field of representation and cinema.


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Author Biographies

Jonatas Breno Silva Santos, Federal University of Sergipe

Master in Communication from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Graduated in Languages from the Higher Education Center of the São Francisco Valley (CESVASF). Graduated in Social Communication - Publicity and Propaganda from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). She was part of the research group CHISGAP (Critical, Historical and international Studies on Gender and Press), which focuses on the study of gender in print media from a critical perspective. He has experience in the areas of Literature and Communication, with an emphasis on cinema, sexuality and social representation, working mainly on the following subjects: Cultural Studies; Gender Studies; Queer Theory; Brazilian Cinema.

Renata Malta, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Tenured professor at the Department of Social Communication at UFS (Federal University of Sergipe). Permanent Professor and current vice-coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Social Communication (PPGCOM) at the Federal University of Sergipe. Coordinator at the GENI Research Group - Gender and Intersectionalities in Communication. Post-Doctorate at the Facultad de Comunicación, Department of Audiovisual Communication at the University of Seville - Spain. Scholarship Researcher of the Program Directeurs d'Etudes Associés DEA 2019, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'homme, Paris, France. PhD in SOCIAL COMMUNICATION from the Methodist University of São Paulo - UMESP (2013); Sandwich Doctorate (PDSE) completed and held at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (2012); Master in MEDIA COMMUNICATION from Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP (2009); She holds a degree in SOCIAL COMMUNICATION with a qualification in journalism from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2000). She has experience in the area of ​​Communication, working mainly on the following topics: Gender Studies and intersectionalities (class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality), Cultural Studies, and Social Communication, Social representation in the media.


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How to Cite

Silva Santos, J. B., & Barreto Malta, R. (2023). Masculinities on Scene: an analysis of “Rainha Diaba” and “Madame Satã”. TOMO Review, 42, e18591.



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