Fashion and Decoloniality: Colonialism, Clothing and Binarism




Fashion, Colonial path, Fashion versustradicional costume., ilda de Mello e Souza, Gilberto Freyre


We understand that the concept fashion composes, in its historical-sociological spectrum, categories created within the "coloniality of power. At one time, the notion of fashion associates intellectual, productive, cultural and space-time capabilities. Thus, we ask if there is colonialism in the first Brazilian sociological publications that addressed fashion, notably in Gilberto Freyre and Gilda de Mello e Souza. The goal of this work is to question how the various approaches on clothing, developed from the epistemology of the North axis, legitimize and produce a reading that hierarchizes the relations of clothing, manners and fashion, reproducing and disseminating the conception that the dressing of non-white societies is plastered or inferior. Thus, to verify the dynamics and gaps of silencing and erasure that the project of modernity pushed as a universal practice, we methodologically propose the articulation of the decolonial aesthesis movement to verify how modernity performed the historical control in partnership with the colonial project that displaced and excluded and has resulted in the hijacking of reality and the need to highlight what was expelled from the historical materiality and aesthetics of fashion.



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Author Biographies

Heloísa Helena de Oliveira Santos, Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ)

Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education at the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), Belford Roxo Campus, unit inserted in the Cultural Production and Design axis and specialized in courses of creative sectors. She is currently coordinator of Research, Graduate Studies and Extension, advisor of the Academic Council of Technical Education (CAET) and member of the Nucleus of Gender and Diversity (NUGEDS) and the Nucleus of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies. PhD in Design (2015) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ).

Michele-Mi Medrado, Universidade da Califórnia, Los Angele (UCLA)

Anthropologist and doctoral candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is a graduate of the São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics.


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How to Cite

Santos, H. H. de O., & Medrado, M.-M. (2023). Fashion and Decoloniality: Colonialism, Clothing and Binarism . TOMO Review, 42, e17545.



Special Issue: Decolonial Critical Theories: an ecology of knowledge