About the Journal


  • Our guidelines have been updated! To read the Author Guidelines and to find out more about our evaluation process, access the “submissions” link


  • TOMO journal was closed for new submissions during the months of April, May and June 2023 to be updated 
    in accordance to new demands of the editorial ecology.
    From July 2023 onward, the TOMO journal has new guidelines for submission and evaluation of all manuscripts.


Focus, Scope, and Mission


The TOMO journal is an open access journal that publishes in the rolling pass format. It is published by the Postgraduate Program in Sociology (PPGS) of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Its first edition was published in 1998. It is the result of a continuous effort from the PPGS to provide the academic community with high quality scientific knowledge in the field of Sociology and related areas such as Anthropology, Political Sciences, and International Relations. TOMO publishes manuscripts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. The journal complies with the Open Science principles and guidelines.


TOMO publishes in all research topics. However, the analytical scope and bibliographical references of the manuscripts must pertain to the field of Sociology in dialogue with the following related areas: Anthropology, Political Science, and International Relations.All submitted manuscripts must be original and should not have been published before (except for preprints). The first author must hold a PhD. TOMO publishes scientific articles, critical reviews, interviews, and preprints in its regular and special issues.


1. The journal’s mission is to make high quality scientific work available to researchers as well as a wider range of readers interested in Sociology and related areas.

2. TOMO also aims to be classified as "A" in the Qualis CAPES ranking (We are ranked B1). This would add to the already recognized excellence of the Postgraduate Program of Sociology of the Federal University of Sergipe, rated 5 in CAPES’s evaluation of 2023.
3. TOMO is also set in being well aligned with the principles for Open Science.

TOMO’s general profile


  • TOMO is always open for new submissions.

  • Submissions are peer-reviewed
  • TOMO publishes using the rolling pass format (including for special issues).

  • We publish a minimum of 25 articles per year.

  • The manuscript’s first author should have a PhD. Co-authors must have, at least, a Master degree.

  • Manuscripts are accepted in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

  • Only 20% of the authors that publish in the current year can be from the Federal University of Sergipe.

  • TOMO journal values the regional and institutional diversity of its authors.

  • TOMO journal is free and open access.

  • We publish scientific articles, critical reviews, interviews, and preprints in our regular and special issues.

  • We adopt the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license.

  • We comply with the Open Science principles and guidelines.

  • Our manuscripts in PDF or PDF/A format have DOI.

  • We require the ORCID number of authors when submitting their manuscripts.

  • We publish in PDF, PDF/A, HTML, XML, and EPUB formats (since 2021).

  • We publish the manuscript reviews (since 2021).

  • Our manuscripts can be found in DOAJ, DIALNET, and LATINDEX. We are working to join SCIELO.

  • We are rated B1 in the 2017-2020 CAPES evaluation.

  • We are on Google Scholar and have an “H” index.

  • Follow us on twitter: @REVISTA_TOMO.

  • We are also on Instagram: revistatomo.

  • Why not follow us on Facebook as well? @tomorevista.



Until 2022, TOMO published issues every 6 months. In the beginning of 2023 we adopted the rolling pass format.



TOMO journal is funded and maintained with resources from PPGS, UFS, and research funding agencies. It is financially managed by the coordinator of PPGS.


Free Access Policy and Fees

TOMO follows the principles of Libre Open Access, as defined by the DOAJ platform

TOMO offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. TOMO does not charge any fees from its collaborators for the publication of their manuscripts.


Creative Commons Copyright and License Policy

TOMO journal adopts the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license which allows:

Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

Adapt: remix, transform, and create from the mat erial for any purpose, even commercial.

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

a) Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons which allows sharing the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

b) Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publishing in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

c) Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and citation of the published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Ethical Guidelines

TOMO’s ethical guidelines are present throughout the editorial process. We seek to carefully follow both the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as well as the Guide of good practices for ethical development in scientific publishing published by Scielo (Guia de boas práticas para o fortalecimento da ética na publicação científica). From 2023 onwards, TOMO uses the Turnitin platform to verify plagiarism.


Policy for Inclusion/Exclusion of Authors and Endogeny

It is possible to include or exclude authors after submitting the manuscript, provided that the change is duly justified in a message to TOMO’s Chief-Editor. TOMO seeks to avoid endogeny by allowing only 20% of all manuscripts published every year to be by researchers linked to the Federal University of Sergipe.


Declaration of Originality

Except for preprints, during the submission process authors must forward a declaration of originality of the content confirming that the work has not been published or is not being considered for publication in any other journal or conference proceedings, either in printed or electronic format.


Declaration of Conflict of Interests

At the time of submission, TOMO requires that authors declare if there was any type of conflict of interest during the development of the work that originated the manuscript submitted to the journal. Similarly, reviewers, upon receiving the invitation to review, must also declare potential of conflicts of interest.


Archiving Policy

All TOMO manuscripts are stored both on the OJS platform and on the “google drive” online repository.

