A "sea explorer": Surf, Tourism, and Sociology by Christophe Guibert





Surf, Tourism, Bourdieu, Sociology, Coast


In this interview, given on June 1, 2023, Christophe Guibert shared his academic trajectory as a sea explorer, as he was one of the first sociologists to develop reseach on surfing in France. His trajectory is illustrative of the richness to explore themes and problems that, traditionally, are not on the sociological research agenda. Guibert, as a long lasting member of the editorial board of multidisciplinary journal “mondes du turisme”, presents the context for publications related to tourism studies. He also talks on how to approach Surfing sociologically, the challenges of studying tourism on a international comparative scale and the possible connections between sociology (mainly Bourdieu's) and tourism studies.


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Author Biographies

Marina de Souza Sartore, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

B.A. in Social Sciences - Federal University of São Carlos (2003) and Master Degree in Industrial Relations with emphasis in Organizational Labor Dynamics - Federal University of São Carlos (2006). PhD in Social Sciences - Federal University of São Carlos (2010) including an one year (2007-2008) international scholarship "Sandwich Phd" provided by CAPES at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in the Centre for European Sociology. Hosted as visiting researcher in the Centre for Urban Research (CUR) at RMIT and in the Sustainability Research Centre (SRC) at the Sunshine Coast University in Australia (2018/2019).I was recently hosted as visiting researcher at CLERSÉ-Lille. I have experience in Sociological Research, with an emphasis on Economic Sociology, working mainly on the following topics: Social Construction of Markets, Forms of commercial appropriation of the coast, beach bars, Assessment and Valuation tools, Corporate Sustainability,Sustainable Investment, ESG. I'm faculty member of the department of Social Sciences at the Federal University of Sergipe, of the Postgraduate Program of Sociology. I'm the founder and the current lead of the Markets and Organizations in Society Study Group (LEMOS), certified by CNPq (www.lemosufsen.blogspot.com.br). Interest in current supervision: studies that seek to understand disputes over the commercial appropriation of nature, especially the coast. I'm currently editor-in-chief of the TOMO Journal of the Graduate Program in Sociology at UFS

Cae Rodrigues, Federal University of Sergipe

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Physical Education, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS-Brazil). Professor/Researcher (Permanent Position), Graduate Program in Development and Environment-PRODEMA (Masters and PhD Programs) (UFS-Brazil). I graduated in Physical Education in 2003 (Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar-Brazil), completed my Masters in Education in 2007 (UFSCar-Brazil, research financed by CAPES), and my PhD in Education in 2013 (UFSCar-Brazil, research financed by CNPq). The aim of my PhD research was to better understand the synergies between human motricity (phenomenology of movement) and environmental education (ecomotricity) focusing on the environmentalization (or greening) of the physical education curriculum in higher education settings. Part of the PhD was undertaken in Monash University (Australia) under the supervision of Prof. Phillip G. Payne. I was hosted as an Honorary Visiting Researcher for 8 months at La Trobe University (Victoria, Australia, 2018 - costs covered by UFS), for four months at the University of the Sunshine Coast (Queensland, Australia, 2019 - costs covered by UFS), and for one month at the University of Lille (France, 2023 - costs covered by the University of Lille). I'm currently the Editor of Special Editions for The Journal of Environmental Education. I have been a member of the Society of Qualitative Research in Human Motricity since 2005, acting as Vice-Director of Scientific Affairs (2007-2011; 2015-2019; 2023-current), Director of Scientific Affairs (2011-2015), Director of Events (2019-2021), and Vice-President (2021-2023). I'm a founding associate of the Brazilian Association of Research and Postgraduate Studies in Leisure (ANPEL); researcher at the Nucleus of Phenomenological Studies in Physical Education (UFSCar-Brazil); researcher at the Teacher Training, Curricular Environmentalization and Science Education Research Group (UFSCar-Brazil); and researcher at the Laboratory of Studies about Markets and Organizations in Society (UFS-Brazil). I'm a founding associate of Jacaré Ki Pira Eventos Lazer (www.jacarekipira.com.br), a private enterprise acting in the areas of leisure and entertainment (sports and recreation events, training and motivation) since 2003. In 2007, this enterprise received the award for best Institution promoting the profession / professionals in the area of physical education in the city of São Carlos, bestowed by the Regional Council of Physical Education of São Paulo State (Brazil). Current research/supervision interests: Research projects that use ecomotricity or ecophenomenology as theoretical and methodological framework, especially in studies about environmental education, environmental justice, and access to nature.

Wanderson Gomes, Federal University of Sergipe

He has a degree in Social Sciences from the Institute of Social Sciences of the Federal University of Alagoas (ICS-UFAL), completed in 2013; master's degree in Sociology from the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at the Federal University of Alagoas (PPGS-UFAL), completed in 2015; specialization in Public Policy Management and Evaluation (IUPERJ-UCAM), completed in 2022; PhD in progress by the Postgraduate Program in Sociology (PPGS-UFS). He worked as a research member at the Observatory of the Creative Economy and Tourism Economy of the State of Alagoas (OBECT/SEDETUR/FAPEAL/ICS/UFAL) and as a Research Assistant at the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat). He is currently a research member of the Laboratory for Studies on Markets and Organizations in Society (LEMOS-UFS). He has experience in the area of ​​research in Social Sciences, with an emphasis on Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology, Development Sociology and Tourism Sociology, working mainly on the following themes: creative economy; economics of culture, popular culture and cultural markets in Brazil; tourism markets and commercial appropriation of the coast; public policies, cultural policies, cultural consumption and tourism policies.


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How to Cite

de Souza Sartore, M., Rodrigues, C., & José Francisco Gomes, W. (2024). A "sea explorer": Surf, Tourism, and Sociology by Christophe Guibert. TOMO Review, 43, e20604. https://doi.org/10.21669/tomo.v43.20604