
  • catharina CORREA COSTA UFS
  • Simone de Cássia Silva


Ergonomia , Ruído ocupacional , Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal


The use of technological resources equipped with audible alarms is increasing in hospital environments. Added to the sounds produced by human action, they tend to intensify the level of environmental noise, with possible impacts on the health of patients and staff. In Neonatal Intensive Care Units, these repercussions are of greater relevance, due to the potential for harm to exposed newborns. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the noise levels of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a public maternity hospital in the state of Sergipe. METHOD: Observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study. Measurement of sound pressure levels was carried out for 5 days, in the morning, afternoon and night shifts, without the employees' knowledge. MATERIALS: Used Instrutherm brand decibel meter, Model DEC-460, adjusted for measurements from 35 to 130 dB, using “A” compensation circuit and slow response. RESULTS: The Kruskal-Wallis test showed a significant difference in noise levels between the unit's boxes (X²(3)= 19.647; p= 0.0002009) and the period of the day (X²(2)= 10.529; p=0 .005173), but not for the days of the week (X²(4)= 2.5458; p=0.6365). CONCLUSIONS: Noise levels above the limits recommended by international guidelines were detected. Solutions to reduce and control noise and its effects on patients and staff are urgently needed.


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How to Cite

CORREA COSTA, catharina, & Simone de Cássia Silva. (2022). AVALIAÇÃO DOS NÍVEIS DE RUÍDO EM UMA UNIDADE NEONATAL: UM OLHAR PARA ALÉM DA ERGONOMIA. Revista Interdisciplinar De Pesquisa E Inovação, 12(1), 78–93. Retrieved from https://ufs.emnuvens.com.br/revipi/article/view/16750