The role of the leader in the institutional communication process in TRNC primary schools


  • Mert Baştaş Near East University. N.Cyprus, Nicosia.
  • Hüseyin Aktunç Alayköy Primary School. N. Cyprus, Nicosia.



communication, education leader, leadership.


The general purpose of this research is the examination of the role of the leader in the institutional communication process in TRNC primary schools. While conducting the research, principals and deputy principals, who are administrators in primary schools, were accepted as leaders in schools. At this point, it has been tried to determine how teachers perceive corporate communication in TRNC primary schools and whether their administrators show a leading role in terms of communication skills. Among the most important results of the research; Primary school teachers with a bachelor's degree had a more positive attitude towards the communication skills of their administrators than primary school teachers with a master's degree. Most of the teachers (69.4%) participating in our study stated that the most important feature that a leader should have is "effective communication skills".


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Biografia do Autor

Mert Baştaş , Near East University. N.Cyprus, Nicosia.

Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences Education, Near East University. N.Cyprus, Nicosia.


Hüseyin Aktunç, Alayköy Primary School. N. Cyprus, Nicosia.

Teacher, Alayköy Primary School. N. Cyprus, Nicosia.



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Como Citar

Baştaş , M. ., & Aktunç, H. . (2020). The role of the leader in the institutional communication process in TRNC primary schools. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–15.



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