The commodity-form in Cuba’s telecom and wireless services: a Marxist Political Economy overview


  • Carol Munoz Nieves Universidad de Havana


Political Economy of Communication (PEC), State Socialism, Telecommunications, Wireless Communications, Marxism


In contemporary Cuba, there is a blatant contradiction between the high prices
of telecom and wireless services, controlled by a state monopoly, and the weak
purchasing power of the working class. This contradiction evidences a process of
commodification that cannot be simply traced back to the partial privatizations
that the Cuban telecom system experienced after the collapse of the Soviet bloc
in the 1990s. Commodification is derived from a broader restructuring of the
state socialist economy that started in the 1990s: the state-led appropriation of
value in circulation when value is in the money form. In the context of a crisis in
accumulation, obstacles against changing the conditions in production fostered
transformations in the domain of circulation to appropriate value in the hands
of the state. Within these transformations, partial privatizations and the commodification of the telecom and wireless services have played a key role for the national economy


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Biografia do Autor

Carol Munoz Nieves, Universidad de Havana

Mestranda em Artes e Comunicação pela Universidade
Simon Fraser. Jornalista pela Universidade de Havana,
Cuba. -Canadá




Como Citar

Nieves, C. M. (2018). The commodity-form in Cuba’s telecom and wireless services: a Marxist Political Economy overview. Revista Eletrônica Internacional De Economia Política Da Informação Da Comunicação E Da Cultura, 20(1), 205–219. Recuperado de

