Riobaldo, homo viator



João Guimarães Rosa. The devil to pay in the backlands. Homo viator. Platonic tradition.


The myth of Odysseus’ return to Ithaca, in addition to being the central theme of the Homeric epic, had already served as inspiration for the Platonic tradition as an allegory of the soul’s return to its origin. Taking advantage of the narrative of the hero’s adventures and misadventures in the enterprise, the Platonic school used the image of return to identify the soul’s journey towards the beautiful, the good and the true, or with God. Riobaldo, still not clear about his purpose in the jagunçagem, hears Diadorim’s call, since the meeting with the Boy (“You need to have courage...”, ROSA, 1994, p. 145), and joins Joca’s gang Ramiro. Riobaldo, on his itinerary through the backlands and in the exercise of courage as a purgative virtue, keeps his word and avenges the betrayal of the leader’s murder. Riobaldo: his wandering through the backlands allows us to deduce precursors such as Dante, Aeneas and Odysseus. Riobaldo, a homo viator against the grain.


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How to Cite

MARCHELLI, Clarissa Catarina Barletta. Riobaldo, homo viator. A Palo Seco – Escritos de Filosofia e Literatura, São Cristóvão-SE: GeFeLit, n. 17, p. 8–25, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.