Hegel e a ironia romântica: racionalidade, direito e saber
Hegel, Irony, Romanticism, F. SchlegelAbstract
Hegel’s positions on Romantic Irony are evaluated in selected passages of his corpus, specifically his studies on the poetic in Aesthetics Courses. Taking into account the multiplicity of considerations and interpretations of romantic movements, these philosophical inquiries contribute to an evaluation of the scientific, historical and political proposals during a remarkable intellectual period in Germanic territories. In contrast to the ideas of F. Schlegel and Novalis, Hegel emphasizes the Socratic use of the concept of irony, while trends classified as romantic exhibit antitheses that are impossible to be overcome through rational thinking. As an introductory way of discussing the poetic in a dialogue between Hegel and the romantics, this essay opts to study the Hegelian critique of irony present in Friedrich Schlegel’s texts. For Hegel the unveiling of Geist and the search for self-awareness affords the possibility of a rational realization through historical transformations and forms that permeate intellectuality and social life.
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