One Belt One Road: trade relationship of the Chinese economic initiative with Brazil


  • Luisa Litwak Faculdade Estácio de Recife


This article takes the view of what economics and political points are benefits and harmful between brazil and china during the "One Belt One Road" initiative. In the recent decade, the 2nd world power is searching for a biggest cooperation between the Asia Pacific countries, Europe and Africa. looking for economic growth, infrastructure and technology, the "Belt and Road" is presents amazing data. The initiative is already able to reach a total of 30% of the global GDP, a relevant number that reaches a total of 65 countries, and China doesn’t want to leave Brazil out. China and Brazil are currently together in the BRICS, which allows them to have a closer approach, with China being paramount in the Brazilian economic sector. It is important to emphasize that Brazil has a very important role in the Chinese economy as well, being the biggest exporter of products to china. according to EBC portal, “China has been Brazil’s main commercial partner since 2009”, in 2018 Brazilian exports to the Asian country totaled US $ 64.2 billion. Integrating Brazil into the Belt and Road initiative can bring economic, structural and cultural growth, not only for Brazil, but also for China as well.




Cómo citar

Litwak, L. (2020). One Belt One Road: trade relationship of the Chinese economic initiative with Brazil. Boletim Do Tempo Presente, 8(02). Recuperado a partir de



Edição Especial: Seminário Sino-Brasileiro