An Introduction to the Far Right's Uses of History in the Digital Age


  • Diego Leonardo Santana Silva


This article aims to present a reflection on the uses of history by the far-right in the digital age. Over the years, with the increase in digital resources, cyberspace has become an environment in which its users perform a series of daily tasks and obtain information on various subjects. Being in constant growth, the network was flooded with information of all kinds, among which are projects of historiographical reconstruction that function as ideological and pedagogical support for political projects led by the far-right. In this scenario, the actions of the ultra-right in the present time now have a far-reaching ideological and pedagogical support that is constantly appropriated to enhance their actions. Therefore, this text aims to present an introduction to this theme with emphasis on the use of history by extremist groups and on characteristics of what would become a historiographical model of ultra-right approaches.



How to Cite

Silva, D. L. S. . (2023). An Introduction to the Far Right’s Uses of History in the Digital Age. Boletim Do Tempo Presente, 12(01), 01–09. Retrieved from


