Electoral dispute between Miguel Arraes and João Cleofas: political polarization and corruption in the CPI of Ipês and Ibad (1963)


  • Luana Carolina dos Santos


In 1962, October occurred the general elections for the Legislative in twenty-two Brazilian states. In that electoral dispute, two new actors stood out: the Institute for Research and Social Studies (Ipês) and the Brazilian Institute of Democratic Action (Ibad). The participation of these Institutes was bigger. For this reason, they were reported. So, in 1963 was open a Parliamentary Inquiry Commission to investigate the political action of Ipês/Ibad. That documentation in this article was highlighted about the electoral dispute to Pernambuco governor. In specifically, about the polarization between: João Cleofas (1889-1987) and Miguel Arraes (1916-2005). In order to present how Ipês and Ibad interfered in the Pernambuco elections (1962). In addition this article proposes the discussion with specialized bibliography and the theory of René Dreifuss (1981).



How to Cite

Santos, L. C. dos . (2021). Electoral dispute between Miguel Arraes and João Cleofas: political polarization and corruption in the CPI of Ipês and Ibad (1963). Boletim Do Tempo Presente, 10(08), 15–26. Retrieved from https://ufs.emnuvens.com.br/tempopresente/article/view/16357


