The degree of commitment of faculty members in the College of Education in Dalam to time management in light of distance teaching


  • Thikryat Jibril Qaralleh Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, AlKharj, Saudi Arabia.



Time, Time management, Distance teaching.


The current study aimed to identify the degree of commitment of faculty members in the College of Education in Dalam to time management in light of distance teaching from the viewpoint of the college’s students. To achieve the aim of the study, a questionnaire was developed consisting of (25) items and distributed to a sample of (20%). The study leads to the following results: that the general arithmetic mean of the respondents ’answers to the paragraphs that measure the degree of commitment of the faculty members in the College of Education in Dalam to time management in the light of distance teaching reached (3.21) and represents an medium average grade and The absence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) in the degree of commitment of faculty members in the College of Education in Dalam to time management in light of distance teaching from the viewpoint of the college students female according to the two variables: (academic department and academic level). The study made several recommendations, including: Creating and developing distance learning platforms and encouraging faculty members to adhere to distance education.


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Biografia do Autor

Thikryat Jibril Qaralleh , Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, AlKharj, Saudi Arabia.

Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, College of Education AlDelam, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, AlKharj, Saudi Arabia.



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Como Citar

Qaralleh , T. J. . (2020). The degree of commitment of faculty members in the College of Education in Dalam to time management in light of distance teaching. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–15.



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