Primary health care in coping the COVID-19: perspectives, challenges and the experience of a multidisciplinary residency program in family health
This essay aimed to raise some perspectives and challenges for primary health care without facing COVID-19, also revealing some experiences of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Family Health. Important characteristics of primary care should be highlighted as having a high potential for success in coping with COVID-19, such as territorial coverage, or the bond of health professionals without longitudinal monitoring of families, a complexity of individual multifaceted care of the basic approach, involving the social determinants of health, identified in the health coverage area, the identification of users and vulnerable areas, the monitoring of elderly patients and chronic diseases. The precariousness of the health sector in Brazil has important effects on the organization of Primary Care work. Inadequate working conditions, including lack of professionals and lack of equipment, compromise the resolution of health problems. A union between teaching and service, signed by the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Health of the Federal University of Sergipe and all its experiences revealed as the sum of the views of the academy and health management, can help in overcoming adversities to cope with COVID -19.
Keywords: Primary Health Care; Health Systems; Covid-19; Health Training; Health Education.
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