O desejo em cena na vida escrita de Samuel Beckett


  • Caio Reis Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB


Literature, Samuel Beckett, The unnamable


This work intends to think about Samuel Beckett’s writing and his relationship with this writer’s life. The word life can be thought of as: scenarios, routes, writing experience, narratives influenced by historical and cultural events. In this process between writing and life, literature and the meaning of things are brought closer to Beckett’s creative work, through contents discussed in passages from the interview given to Charles Juliet, in the works of Samuel Beckett and the effects produced between the writer and the experiences of his life, moments present in his thoughts, his speeches, characters and creation. As an interpretation resource, the sense of language and psychoanalysis are chosen tools to analyze the theme and enrich the discussion. The period of World War II as the core of the understanding of the human condition crossed Beckett in his conception of the world. The form of writing present in his works changes as the history of the world affects him until the moment when The unnamable, without the possibility of being categorized, is the place that Beckett founds in criticism, in writing and in literature. need to analyze, reflect and think about the place in literature in face of the incessant symptom of tradition. The writing in The Unnamable is therefore regarded as extremely modern. For Samuel Beckett it was just a way of seeing the world so he could breathe.

Author Biography

Caio Reis, Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB

Mestre em Estudo de Linguagens pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.


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How to Cite

REIS, Caio. O desejo em cena na vida escrita de Samuel Beckett. A Palo Seco – Escritos de Filosofia e Literatura, São Cristóvão-SE: GeFeLit, n. 14, p. 86, 2022. Disponível em: https://ufs.emnuvens.com.br/apaloseco/article/view/17151. Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


