Reflection of the personality-oriented approach by the subjects of its implementation in Eastern Europe


  • Larysa V. Zdanevych Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine.
  • Alla A. Kharkivska Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kharkiv Regional Council. Kharkiv, Ukraine.
  • Oksana M. Popovych Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.
  • Olena S. Bobyrieva Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.
  • Dora Y. Kovrei Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Beregovo, Ukraine. ORCID:



Motivation, Educational Conditions, Personal Preferences, Concepts, Personal Educational Project, Self-Image.


The article deals with the study of the assessment of personality-oriented approach by the subjects of its implementation in the formation of pedagogical professionalism in higher educational institutions in Eastern Europe, where such an approach is still considered innovative. Students and teachers of physical education faculties were selected as the reference group. The main objective is to clarify the relationship between the classical principles of personality-oriented approach and its reflection by the subjects of the educational process. A remote survey of students and teachers of physical education faculties helped identify a number of universities, regional and personal advantages in using a personality-oriented approach. The authors clarified key concepts and patterns of this approach, its objective and subjective attributes and patterns. The method of ranking of student and teacher preferences and associative concepts helped identify trends, advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of personality-oriented learning in Eastern European universities. The article clarifies that there is a dissonance in the academic and personal student understanding of the implementation of the analysed approach in Eastern Europe: the main generalizing concepts for teachers are choice, initiative, personality, independence, while for students these are independence. The ratings of the advantages of personality-oriented learning from the point of view of students of Eastern and Western Europe are also compared. On the basis of the obtained data, the authors developed the scheme of the modern implementation of the personality-oriented approach, and determined the prospects for further research. The latter is to solve the problem of harmonization of compulsory and variable (individual) components of the content of education; development of methods to increase motivation, responsibility and self-acquisition of professional competencies by future teachers.


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Biografia do Autor

Larysa V. Zdanevych, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine.

Department of Pre-School Pedagogy, Psychology and Professional Methods, Faculty of Pre-School Education and Psychology, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine.


Alla A. Kharkivska, Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kharkiv Regional Council. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council. Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Oksana M. Popovych, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.

Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education, Pedagogical Faculty, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.


Olena S. Bobyrieva, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.

Department of Pedagogy Preschool and Primary education, Pedagogical Faculty, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.


Dora Y. Kovrei, Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Beregovo, Ukraine. ORCID:

Ferenc Rákóczi II Vocational School of the Ferenc Rákóczi II, Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Beregovo, Ukraine.



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Como Citar

Zdanevych, L. V. ., Kharkivska, A. A. ., Popovych, O. M. ., Bobyrieva, O. S. ., & Kovrei, D. Y. . (2020). Reflection of the personality-oriented approach by the subjects of its implementation in Eastern Europe. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–20.



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