Investigating the relationship between the foreign language reading anxiety and reading proficiency: a case study of preparatory year students at the University of Jeddah


  • Saleh Mohammad Ali Alqahtani University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.



English as a Foreign language, Reading anxiety, Gender, Reading proficiency, Level of reading anxiety.


This study is an in-depth analysis on the association between the anxiety experienced known as Foreign Language Reading Anxiety (FLRA) and the proficiency in reading exhibited by the preparatory year students. The Saudi learners from the science and arts stream and the gender were also considered as the moderator variables for this study. A mixed group of 84 students from both the genders of the preparatory year studying English at the Institution of Languages from the University of Jeddah were considered as the variables for this research. The participants were measured on as 20-item Likert-style Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale and examined by undergoing a 20-item proficiency test in reading a comprehension and a demographic questionnaire. The data was analyzed by applying The Pearson product moment correlation, t-Test, and descriptive analysis. The results indicated that the anxiety level while reading had varied values from moderate to high most of the respondents in the test were found to be in the moderate anxiety group. In addition, a notable negative relationship was found to be existing between the FLRA and the reading proficiency. The association existing between the foreign language reading anxiety and the group field was identified in this study. Analyzing the concept considering the gender, the female students were identified to experience more anxiety compared to the male students involved in the study. The findings of this study are advantageous to the language teachers and the curriculum planners too. It enables them to decrease the deteriorating and weakening factors in the classroom and thereby improve the reading ability of the language learners’.  Reducing the reading anxiety amongst the learners can be achieved by exposing the language learners to understandable reading texts and familiarize them with cultural texts. This in turn develops the learners’ self-confidence and motivates them to be better readers.


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Biografia do Autor

Saleh Mohammad Ali Alqahtani, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Professor at the Department of English Language and Translation, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Khulais, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.



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Como Citar

Alqahtani, S. M. A. . (2020). Investigating the relationship between the foreign language reading anxiety and reading proficiency: a case study of preparatory year students at the University of Jeddah. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–15.



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